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Version: Version 2.0 - Master branch

Viewer: Configuration

The OHIF Viewer Platform strives to be highly configurable and extensible. This makes it easier for our community members to keep their "secret sauce" private, and incentivises contributions back to the platform. The @ohif/viewer project of the platform is the lynchpin that combines everything to create our application.

We maintain a number of common viewer application configurations at <root>/platform/viewer/public/configs. How these values are passed to the viewer depend on how it's deployed, but the two most common paths are:

  • index.html looks for OR
  • index.html passes the values to OHIF.installViewer()
window.config = {
routerBasename: '/',
* "White Labeling" is used to change the branding, look, and feel of the OHIF
* Viewer. These settings, and the color variables that are used by our components,
* are the easiest way to rebrand the application.
* More extensive changes are made possible through swapping out the UI library,
* Viewer project, or extensions.
whiteLabeling: {
/* Optional: Should return a React component to be rendered in the "Logo" section of the application's Top Navigation bar */
createLogoComponentFn: function(React) {
return React.createElement('a', {
target: '_self',
rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
className: 'header-brand',
href: '/',
style: {
display: 'block',
textIndent: '-9999px',
background: 'url(/svg-file-hosted-at-domain-root.svg)',
backgroundSize: 'contain',
backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
width: '200px',
* Internally, the OHIF Viewer fetches data primarily with the
* `cornerstoneWADOImageLoader` and the `DICOMWebClient`. If either of these
* receive a non-200 response, this method allows you to handle that error.
* Common use cases include:
* - Showing a notification with the UINotificationService
* - Redirecting the user
* - Refreshing an auth token
* @param {Object} error - JS new Error()
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} error.request - The XHR request that's onreadystate change triggered this callback
* @param {string} error.response - The XHR's response property
* @param {number} error.status - The XHR's status property
httpErrorHandler: error => {
const { request: xhr, response, status } = err;
const { responseType, statusText } = xhr;

// In local files, status is 0 upon success in Firefox
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
console.log(statusText, response, responseType);
} else {
console.warn('Likely CORS error');
extensions: [],
showStudyList: true,
filterQueryParam: false,
servers: {
dicomWeb: [
name: 'DCM4CHEE',
wadoUriRoot: '',
qidoRoot: '',
wadoRoot: '',
qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
imageRendering: 'wadors',
thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
// Supported Keys:
hotkeys: [
{ commandName: 'rotateViewportCW', label: 'Rotate Right', keys: ['r'] },
{ commandName: 'rotateViewportCCW', label: 'Rotate Left', keys: ['l'] },
{ commandName: 'invertViewport', label: 'Invert', keys: ['i'] },
commandName: 'flipViewportHorizontal',
label: 'Flip Horizontally',
keys: ['h'],
commandName: 'flipViewportVertical',
label: 'Flip Vertically',
keys: ['v'],
/* Configuration passed to the bundled cornerstone extension
* The cornerstone extension is currently tightly coupled to the platform.
* Until we're able to decouple it, this key will serve as a workaround to
* pass it configuration.
cornerstoneExtensionConfig: {
/* Whether to show/hide annotation "handles" */
hideHandles: true,